Each year, when the Global Coworking Survey comes around, I post all over social media that workspace operators, coworking members and everyone else should take the survey.
The reason for the incessant nudges to take the survey?
The survey gives us a fantastic, inside glimpse into the global coworking movement. And, the more people participate in the survey, the more accurate it is.
Now we get to reap the rewards.
The Global Coworking Forecast is out and, as ever, it’s full of interesting insights and data that have been lovingly visualized for us. Thanks, Deskmag!
Coworking Trends for 2018
One of the first things that caught my attention in the report was the trends section. There are some exciting things on the horizon. Here are 13 highlights, gif-style. You can see the complete (much more professional) list of trends in the forecast.
1. 2018 will bring more (and bigger) coworking spaces
2. More niche spaces (including spaces with childcare)
3. Stronger focus on sustainable community building
4. More community events
5. More corporate coworking (including corporates in coworking spaces)
6. Better awareness of the coworking concept
7. More coworking in suburban and rural areas
8. Stronger competition
9. More differentiation from competitors
10. More remote workers
11. More digital nomads
12. More collaboration between independent coworking spaces
13. Other businesses, such as hotels, incorporate coworking
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