Your origin story matters

coworking origin story matters

I love when people ask me how I got into coworking. As you may know, I worked for 20 years in record stores, started doing music writing, discovered coworking, loved the idea, joined a space that was a bad fit, found a space that was a great fit, and have since grown my business in and around coworking.

I share this story every chance I get because it helps humanize me and my brand, and because it speaks to the intention and purpose behind my work. I am so passionate about coworking because I’m a product of coworking. I know firsthand the transformation that is possible when a group of people have a space to learn, share and connect.

In last week’s Coworking Convo, we discussed the power of having a strong origin story for your coworking brand, and sharing that origin story everywhere.

As coworking grows, all the spaces are nice and all the spaces have amenities we members need. You need to give members—and potential members—something they can align with. Something that feels meaningful and human. Something intentional.

It’s impossible to put a value on this alignment.

But it is everything.

Remember: your brand is the gut feeling people have about you, your space and your community.

So what feeling are you putting out? Is it nice-but-boring space rental? Or is it something more?

If you have a clear and compelling origin story, start sharing it more in your emails, social media content, your blog and on your website. For someone looking at different spaces, or wondering what this coworking thing is all about, having your story and purpose front and center allows them to see themselves in your space and community. They can resonate with your brand and vision. But only if you put it out there.

And if you haven’t spent time thinking about your origin story, and crafting that narrative in a way that is authentic, human and true, put that on your todo list for today.

And no, you don’t have to be a saint.

None of us are. We’re all working to build thriving businesses and communities.

But something drew you to coworking. What was it? A great building in your neighborhood? A need in your community? Wanting to support economic development in your area? Needing a space to work from yourself? Wanting to create a cultural shift locally? Wanting to help revitalize a depressed region? A desire to support entrepreneurs and small businesses? A vision to create a lasting global brand?

Clarify your story then share it everywhere.

Your people will find you.

🙌 High fives to the amazing companies and leaders who support Coworking Convos:

Our Partners:
⭐️ isofy
⭐️ Coworks
⭐️ Syncaroo
⭐️ PilotoMail

Our Supporters:
⭐️ Spacefully
⭐️ Deskworks
⭐️ Spacebring
⭐️ Rayon
⭐️ This Week in Coworking

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