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It’s Not Just You. Creating Content Can be Stressful.



I received a record number of responses to last week’s Coworking Out Loud Newsletter, so I decided to republish it here. If you want to receive future newsletters, subscribe here.

Hi there

Content can be stressful.

There, I said it. It’s a challenge to consistently create, ship and promote content.

If you’re overwhelmed with trying to keep up with Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, your blog, your podcast your newsletter…oh yeah, and running a coworking space, you’re not alone.

I’m writing this email from the Rocky Mountains, where I’ve been in full Auntie Cat mode since Friday. And I just realized I haven’t tweeted in several days, which is really unusual for me.

Sometimes you just have to take a breather. Plus, I find that the times I’m really engaged with family or good friends, I rarely do much social media. And I’m cool with that.

Social media is a tool. So is your blog, and your newsletter. Use them in a way that works for you. Don’t try to do all the things all the time. Figure out which platforms you get the most engagement on and which ones are aligned with your brand and mission, then do those. Don’t be afraid to cut out platforms that aren’t serving you.

I do, however, want to urge you to prioritize building your email list, then communicating regularly with those people who have given you permission to contact them directly. Emai is, by far, your most powerful content resource.

And, with great power comes great responsibility, so use your email wisely.

This Coworking Out Loud Newsletter is my content priority each week. In an ideal world, I would publish at least one blog post and a podcast each week, but I sometimes just run out of bandwidth and my own content gets bumped while I do client work.

But, this email goes out every week, and has for years. I appreciate this community here, I love receiving your reply emails, and I take your trust in me very seriously.

If you’re stressed about content, just take one step to move things forward this week.

You’ll mentally paralyze yourself if you think of all the things you need to do.

Take a minute to assess where you get the most engagement, where it makes the most sense to focus your limited time and energy, and where you can make the most impact. Then do that.

Are you stressed about content? What is stressing you out? How are things going with your content marketing? Hit reply and let me know. I’d love to hear what you’re up to.

Further together,

Coworking space operators: Subscribe to the Coworking Out Loud Newsletter to get future issues in your inbox.