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10 Coworking Clubhouse Rooms for Space Operators and Pros


Update: We now have a Coworking Club on Clubhouse! Created by Shervonne Cherry from Spark Coworking, the club will serve as a hub and resource for the global coworking community.

Clubhouse is white hot right now. In December, the audio-only social app had 600,000 users. Now, just two months later, it has over 6 million users.

Within Clubhouse, the community of coworking and coworking-adjacent people and projects is growing by the hour.

Coworking-related Clubhouse rooms are proving to be thought-provoking dives into everything from community building and virtual memberships, to countering societal isms in spaces and the coworking movement at-large, lessons learned, current challenges, personal advice and wellness practices, and the latest newsy tidbits and content.

In advance of this month’s Coworking Convo on using Clubhouse to promote your coworking space, we rounded up our favorite coworking and coworking-adjacent Clubhouse rooms.

10 Coworking Clubhouse Rooms

1. Coworking in Canada

Tuesdays at 10 Pacific / 1 Eastern / 7 GMT

Hosted by Ashley Proctor, co-founder of Coworking Canada, the Coworking in Canada room brings together leaders of the Canadian coworking scene, as well as new space operators, established workspace brands and more for conversations about the unique coworking scene, opportunities and challenges in Canada …and the global coworking movement.

2. HOT WATER – Future of work and workspaces conversations

Wednesdays at 10 Pacific / 1 Eastern / 6 GMT

The HOT WATER – Future of work and workspaces conversations room is hosted by Pauline Roussel, Ian Minor, Dimi Tar. Topics include the future of work, coworking, memberships, workspaces, community and more.

3. Women Who Cowork

Wednesdays at 12:30 Pacific / 3:30 Eastern / 8:30 GMT

Women Who Cowork is a vibrant community of female-identified space operators, community managers, and workspace industry pros. Led by coworking pioneers Laura Shook Guzman and Iris Kavanagh, Women Who Cowork gets to the heart of the coworking movement, selfcare, culture shifts and much more.

4. Working Ensemble

Thursdays at 11 Pacific / 2 Eastern / 7 GMT

Led by Diane Chevalard, founder and CEO of Working Ensemble in Toronto, this worksprint gives working parents and the community of Working Ensemble members and beyond an opportunity to do heads-down work together. Over in the Workspace Marketing Lab, we use weekly worksprints to stay connected, stay on-track with marketing todos, and hold ourselves and each other accountable.

5. The Marketing Common

Thursdays at 1 Pacific / 4 Eastern / 9 GMT

The Marketing Common is a weekly marketing chat for coworking operators and flex office space providers. Hosted by Cat Johnson and Karina Patel, this room is a quick, 30-minute dive into content marketing, email marketing, social media, SEO and building a brand community. Bring your questions, tips and a solutions mindset.

6. Coworking Culture

Thursdays at 4 Pacific / 7 Eastern / midnight GMT

Hosted by Shervonne Cherry from Spark Baltimore and Spark Kansas City, the Coworking Culture room gets to the heart of what matters within the workspace world. It’s an ongoing conversation about the cultures, norms and vibes being set in coworking spaces and the coworking movement at-large.

7. This Week in Coworking

Fridays at 7:30 Pacific / 10:30 Eastern / 3:30 GMT

Hosted by Hector Kolonas, This Week in Coworking is a recap of the weekly newsletter of the same name…and then some. This room attracts coworking space operators and industry pros from around the world so it’s a great place to meet new coworking folks. Last week’s TWIC was the best yet. It’s exciting to watch this project find it’s stride.

8. GCUC Clubhouse

Fridays at 9 Pacific / 12 Eastern / 5 GMT

GCUC is the bridge between community coworking and the commercial real estate world. With roots deep in the coworking movement and a sharp eye on the future of work and workplace trends, Liz Elam and Stormy McBride are perfectly positioned to host conversations that inform and inspire.

9. Coworking Convos Afterparty

Friday, February 26 at noon Pacific / 3 Eastern / 8 GMT

Following this month’s Convo on using Clubhouse to promote your space, Shervonne Cherry is throwing a Convos Afterparty. The idea is to welcome Clubhouse newcomers to the platform, connect with space operators and new coworking friends, and contribute to the Clubhouse coworking scene. Find us on Clubhouse immediately following the Convo. If this afterparty goes well, we just might make it a regular thing.


10. Women Who Start Shit

Tuesdays at 2 Pacific / 5 Eastern / 10 GMT

A coworking-adjacent project hosted by Liz, Stormy and me, Women Who Start Shit is a series of uncensored conversations with female founders. Launched as an in-person event series by Liz and Stormy in Austin, Women Who Start Shit has gone virtual, with a weekly Clubhouse room and soon-to-be-announced virtual events. The WWSS Clubhouse room gets to the deeper stories, perspectives and experiences of being a female entrepreneur, business owner and leader.

Your turn: What have I missed? What coworking-related Clubhouse rooms should I add to the list? Leave a comment, or hit me up on LinkedIn.

Next Coworking Convo: Using Clubhouse to Promote Your Coworking Space. Friday, February 26.