Grow your coworking space and community in The Lab

Don’t Make This Newbie Mistake with Your Coworking Content



This week a small business owner said something that made me want to scream.

We were chatting on the sidewalk in downtown Santa Cruz and he said, “I tried creating content two times, but it didn’t lead to any sales, so I stopped.”

[Insert long pause here as I tried to figure out where to even begin.]

“Ummmmmm,” I said, there are a few things you’re missing here.”

1. Content is Not a Sales Tool

We’re not trying to sell people with content. Get SUPER clear about this. Content marketing is a way to establish trust, make connections with our target market, share resources and information, generate leads.

Trying to take people from reading a piece of content to buying something, without having them already know, like and trust you, is a fool’s errand. It’s way too abrupt and off-putting.

When was the last time you went from knowing nothing about a company to purchasing something from them after reading a blog post.


Me too.

It’s far more likely that, if the company makes an impression, you signed up for their email list, looked at other blog posts, checked out their services page, etc.

Keep that in mind as you create content.

2. Content is a Long Game

You may not fully appreciate this yet, but content is the best marketing tool an independent space operator has. It levels the playing field between you and the big box coworking chains that can always outspend you with ads, but have the same tools you do when it comes to content.

But content is a long game. It requires commitment and consistency. It can pay off for you, but it doesn’t happen overnight.

The best time to start creating content was a year ago. The second best time is today.

3. Your Content Might Suck Initially

You might hit it out of the park with your first piece of content…but probably not.

Embrace imperfection, understand that your content will improve over time, and be willing to course correct to stay relevant to your target market.

There’s no way to avoid your first few maybe-not-great posts. If you try to avoid it, you’ll be sitting at the start line forever.

So, get clear on who your target audience is and how you help them, then create content that does just that.

And keep doing it.

The next Coworking Content Training is on creating better member profiles. Join us on February 6 for this virtual event. More info and registration: How to Create Member Profiles that Support and Grow Your Community