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The Freelance Cat Manifesto (Yes, I Wrote a Manifesto)

The Freelance Cat Manifesto

Here’s some real-talk. Being a freelancer/solopreneur is not easy. It requires a lot of focus, discipline, organization and time. There are moments and days full of overwhelm and anxiety, and paying for your own health insurance sucks.

But, making the move to self-employment is the best thing I have ever done for myself. I LOVE being my own boss, I LOVE steering my own ship, and I LOVE making my own schedule.

One of the good problems to have as a freelancer, is deciding what projects to focus on. Infinite possibilities can be distracting! Ideas are easy to come by, but implementing them is another story—one that requires work and commitment.

Lately I’ve been looking at ways to expand my business, and help others grow theirs. At the heart of my vision is a desire to help people improve their content. Whether fellow freelance writers and bloggers, startups, small businesses, or organizations, there is a need for great content to drive interest, traffic and customers.

As I was working out the details of my next steps, I started writing down the big picture vision for my work. I wrote it to down keep myself focused and make sure that, even as I create new projects and go down new roads, I stay true to my goals and values.

The more I wrote, the more I realized that I was creating a manifesto for myself—a declaration of my vision, intentions, and motives. Here it is.


Your Turn: I’d love to hear your thoughts on the manifesto, freelance life, and doing work you love. In the comments, let me know.

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