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Spend More Time On Your Headlines: Tough Love from a Content Pro


Be honest, how long do you spend writing the headline for your blog posts?

Five minutes?

One minute?

30 seconds?

Here’s a pro tip for you: You should write the headline before you write the post.

In fact, you should write the headline before you even think about writing the post.

People are busy, we’re exposed to more content than we could ever read, and your headline is your one chance to take people from scroller to reader.

So, take the time to make your headline attention-getting and relevant before you start writing.

If you want to do a top-quality, super pro job, write out 25 different headlines for each post.

Yes, 25.

The first five or 10 will likely not be great.

But, as you keep writing, your headline will get more clear, more focused and more compelling.

Here’s what that looks like in practice. The following list is for one of my posts. I don’t always write out 25 headlines before I get to one that works, but I frequently do.

  • The Trick to Pro Photography Applies to Your Coworking Content, As Well
  • The Pro Tip Coworking Space Operators Can Learn from Photographers
  • The Pro Tip Photographers Can …
  • Get Closer: The Pro Tip Photographers Can Teach Coworking Space Operators
  • Get Closer: A Photography Pro Tip to Use in Your Coworking Space Marketing
  • Get Closer: A Photography Pro Tip to Humanize Your Coworking Marketing
  • Get Closer: What Photographers Can
  • This Photography Pro Tip Will Take Your Coworking Marketing Impact to the
  • The Photography Pro Tip that Will 10x Your Coworking Content Impact
  • A Photographer’s Pro Tip to Improve All Your Coworking Content
  • This Photography Pro Tip Will Improve All Your Coworking Content
  • The Photography Pro Tip that Will Improve All Your Coworking Content
  • This Photography Pro Tip Will Improve All Your Coworking Content
  • Get Closer: A Pro Tip to Transform All Your Coworking Content
  • Get Closer to Your Content: an Unexpected Pro Tips for Coworking Teams
  • Get Closer: a Pro Tip to Transform Your Coworking Content
  • Get Closer: the Pro Tip that Will Improve All Your Coworking Content
  • Are You Close Enough to Your Content?
  • Want to Create Better Content? Get Closer.
  • To Create Better Content, Get Closer
  • What One of the World’s Best Photographers Can Teach Coworking Space Operators
  • A Lesson for Coworking Teams from a World-renowned Photographer
  • Improve Your Coworking Content with this Photography Pro Tip
  • A Photography Pro Tip to Improve All Your Content
  • 🌟 What Coworking Can Learn from the World’s Best Photographers

Yes, it takes time to do this.

But if you can take a headline from so-so to good or great, the return far outweighs your investment of time and energy.

Embrace the journey. 😜


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