Three years ago I had an idea for a membership community for coworking space operators.
It was during the early days of the pandemic, I had been batting the idea around for a while and, during a chat with my pal Hector Kolonas, he told me about his experience living through the Greek and Cyprus banking crisis. He said, “Most people sat around complaining. The smart people got to work building.”
That was all I needed to finally launch my idea, which became The Lab.
Now three years later, The Lab is the heart and soul of my work in coworking.
A club for indie coworking space operators, The Lab is where I go to teach, learn, celebrate, listen, share resources, cry it out and be part of a mind-blowingly generous, smart and supportive community of coworking space operators who know how to co.
I’d like to say that The Lab is my creation, but it is very much OUR creation. The members pour so much of their expertise, experience and selves into The Lab every day. It is a profound honor to be part of the community.
As we approach our three year anniversary, The Lab has grown from a repository for resources into a robust ecosystem that includes coaching, worksprints, a bookclub, peer trainings, in-person meetups and the most engaged and thoughtful Slack community I’ve ever experienced.
It has evolved and grown up—and we’re just getting started.
If you’re an indie operator who is focused on community, connection and changing the world (or at least your neighborhood) through coworking, join us. You belong in The Lab.
Further together,