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How to Leverage Your Advantage on a Mission-Driven Blog


Mission-driven businesses and organizations have a great advantage over profit-driven businesses when it comes to content: they’re already doing awesome things.

Unlike profit-driven businesses, which have to try to scare up or manufacture feel-good stories, mission-driven businesses come by these stories naturally.

Community, connectedness, positive change—these are everyday topics for mission-driven projects. No need to manufacture feel-good stories, we see them every day.

Leverage this advantage by incorporating it into your blog.

Start with a content brainstorm. What people, projects or stories are right under your nose that would make great content to share with your community?

Think of people doing amazing or inspiring work and put them in the spotlight. People love to be inspired, informed and entertained.

Your blog is a fantastic (not to mention low-cost) way to catch people’s attention, drive traffic, and build community.

Here are some proven content ideas to get the ball rolling.

  • Short profile of an inspiring project or person in your community
  • Overview of what you’re working on and its impact in the community
  • Roundup of community members sharing their vision for a project
  • Case study demonstrating a win for the community
  • Q&A with a community leader associated with your organization
  • Quotes and comments from a survey
  • Lessons learned and feedback from an event
  • Photos and videos from the field
  • Guest blog posts from community members
  • Resources or tools that your community will find valuable
  • How-to posts based on community connections or areas of expertise

Your turn: What content works well for your business or organization? Do you have anything to add to the list? In the comments, let me know.

Want more content tips? Subscribe to the Freelance Cat Newsletter to receive weekly tips and resources for your mission-driven business or organization.