26 Questions Members Have About Returning to Your Coworking Space


Yesterday I posted the following Ann Handley quote on my Cat Johnson Co Instagram:

“Even when you are marketing to your entire audience or customer base, you are still simply speaking to a single human at any given time.”

It got me thinking about what members of coworking communities are concerned about right now, and the best ways for operators to address those concerns.

I’m looking forward to getting back into my home space, but I’m not not quite ready. I’m waiting until it feels right.

My thinking is a bit nebulous., but I have questions.

My questions are likely the same questions your members have, so they may be a good jumping off place for your marketing efforts right now.

The best marketing has a one-to-one feel to it. So how better to connect with your members than by addressing their concerns and answering their questions?

Here are 26 questions I have about returning to my home space. Hopefully they can inform your marketing strategy and inspire some content ideas. Let me know what you come up with.

1. Are people working in the space now?

2. Are people wearing masks?

3. Will it be uncomfortable/weird to wear a mask all day?

4. How can I make sure I don’t get sick, and don’t get anyone else sick?

5. How will I get coffee?

6. Will we have flow arrows on the floor?

7. Will we have social distance standing dots in common areas?

8. Are the other members going to be careful or cavalier?

9. What about all the door handles?

10. What about the narrow hallways?

11. Does it make sense for me to go in?

12. When will I go in?

13. How will I know it’s the right time for me to go in?

14. Will people try to hug me?

15. Will it be super awkward to not hug all my friends?

16. How many days a week should I go in?

17. How will they keep the phone booth clean?

18. Will I use the phone booth?

19. What about the washrooms?

20. If I don’t use the phone booth, where will I take my calls?

21. Will we have air purifiers?

22. Should I get a dedicated desk?

23. What will the coworking area be like?

24. Should I work in the quiet zone where fewer people hang out?

25. How will we do celebrations and happy hours?

26. Am I overthinking all of this?