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The Humanizing Power of Off-the-Cuff Video


Your videos don’t have to be perfect to be engaging.

If your goal is to connect with your members, potential members, and your extended community, you can simply hit record on your phone or webcam and be real.

Off-the-cuff video is a powerful tool to humanize your brand and give a real-life glimpse into your space, your team, your community and you.

And it is not about being perfect, or perfectly rehearsed.

The phrase off-the-cuff goes back to the 1930s. It means informal, spontaneous. The idea is that you have a few notes written on the cuff of your shirt and you riff off those.

If you want to write some notes on your cuff, go for it.

Or you can put a post-it near your camera lens, or you can limit the points you want to make to a few easily-remembered ones.

There is nothing blocking you from creating more video…except maybe some nervousness and concern that you don’t have anything interesting to say.

The only way to get over your nervousness, however, is just to start stretching your content comfort zone. And the concern that you don’t have anything interesting to say simply isn’t real.

Show us your space, talk about how things are going, do some brand storytelling, let us in on the journey, show us how you’ve reimagined your meeting rooms, share your vision moving forward, show us your new puppy.

These are the things that help humanize your brand.

How are you using off-the-cuff video to market your coworking space and projects? Drop a comment below. I’d love to hear what you’re up to.

This Friday, we’re chatting about virtual tour strategies, including off-the-cuff video, in this month’s Coworking Convo. Register now to join this free, informal conversation with workspace operators from around the world.

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