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Coworking Out Loud Podcast 012 – Grace at the Detention Center

Coworking Out Loud
Coworking Out Loud Podcast 012 - Grace at the Detention Center

My mom is from a musical family and she made sure my siblings and I learned to play instruments.

She said we’d thank her one day, and she was right. I’m really grateful to have a solid musical foundation.

My mom also encouraged us to get out of our comfort zones.

One day she had me play my flute at the local detention center. It was a most memorable day, indeed.

I shared the story in this week’s episode of the Coworking Out Loud Podcast.

Did you grow up playing music? Do you have any horror stories to share? Leave a comment, or drop me an email and let me know. I’d love to hear from you.

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Music by Grip Grand