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Coworking Out Loud Podcast 007 – Grandparents and Community

Coworking Out Loud
Coworking Out Loud Podcast 007 - Grandparents and Community

I think of my grandparents pretty much every day. Bud and Ethel were great role models. They were loving, accepting, committed and fun.

Grandma and grandpa taught me a lot about the importance of community. Several times a week they did things with friends and their various communities. They were active, engaged, members of clubs and groups, and they prioritized their time spent connecting.

In this episode of the Coworking Out Loud Podcast I share a few stories and my thoughts on how we went from previous generations being super social and active, to now, as we face a loneliness epidemic.

Have a listen and let me know what you think. If you have ideas about what previous generations did well, where we went wrong, and what we can do to bring community back to the core of our lives, shoot me an email, hit me up on Twitter.

Bonus: At the 11:15 mark, our cat, Baker, also known as Franklin Underfoot, starts meowing to go outside, so this turned into a collaboration. 🙂

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Music by Grip Grand