3/28 Coworking Convo: PR Strategies for Your Space

Who is in your coworking space? [Ep. 54]

Hot Take with Cat Johnson
Coworking Out Loud
Coworking Out Loud
Who is in your coworking space? [Ep. 54]

If you don’t know who is in your coworking space, neither do your other members.

Which means that everyone is walking around doing that polite nod in the hallway that, after a while, becomes an alarm bell that people are not thriving in your space because all they’re doing is utilizing your desk, wifi and coffee while working among strangers.

In this episode of Coworking Out Loud, Cat Johnson shares an interesting conversation she had recently with a space operator who is struggling to activate their community, and some tips on what to do if you don’t really know what your members do.

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