QR codes are a great way to market your coworking space.
Created in 1994 to label automobile parts, and almost forgotten a few years ago, these quick-response codes reemerged during the pandemic and are now part of our everyday lives.
QR codes can be found on billboards, commercials, sandwich boards, pro sports broadcasts, audience voting shows and tons more. The other night I logged into a streaming service using a QR code and it was a million times easier than typing an email and password in with my remote.
So how can you leverage these handy codes for your coworking brand and community?
Here are 20+ clever ways to use QR codes in your coworking space.
1. Leave a Review Link
The inspiration for this post came during a visit to a local reservoir. Outside the building that housed the boat rentals, snacks and merch, there was a sandwich board with a QR code linking to leave a Google review. Genius. No muss, no fuss, no url to remember or waiting for visitors to get home and maybe remember to leave a review. It was a brilliant way to strike while the excitement was high. This strategy could definitely work for a coworking space.
2. FAQs for New Members
Member onboarding can be overwhelming for new members and you. So many signatures, agreements and forms. You know that people aren’t reading everything. Use a QR code they can scan to peruse the FAQs at their convenience.
3. Wifi Network and Password
Imagine not having to tell or email guests your wifi access information, or send them to look at the wifi whiteboard. Just direct them to the QR code for a quick login.
4. Member Norms
Do you have member norms? You know, those guidelines about what is, and isn’t, acceptable in your space and community? If not, that’s something to get in-place sooner rather than later. Then put QR codes to your member norms at frequently visited locations, including the entrance, kitchen, phone booth and bathrooms.
5. Event Registration
If you’re hosting an event that requires an RSVP, use a QR code as an easy way to let members and guests do so. You can also link to more info about the speaker, topic etc.
6. Event Attendee Email Capture
One common mistake I see coworking space operators make is that during events they don’t capture any information from guests. They casually mention that you can take a tour or become a member, but it’s unfocused and unstrategic. Use a QR code to capture emails, share information about the space and give guests a reason to come back.
7. Partner Materials
If you have partners and collaborators who post signage, ads or flyers about your coworking space, pop a QR code onto those materials. People are far more likely to click through in the moment they’re curious than to remember to follow up and research your space later.
8. In Your Window
You know how you sometimes stand outside a restaurant, looking in the window and perusing the menu, wondering if the place is a good fit for you? People are doing the same thing outside of your coworking space. Help them get a good sense of your space and community with a QR code on the outside of your space or on an outside-facing window. This is an at-a-glance opportunity to spotlight the best things about your space and attract great-fit members into your community.
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9. Space Usage Examples
Show examples of how people have used your coworking space, including meeting rooms, event space, day offices, open space, podcasts and media rooms etc. These can be posted individually, near the different areas, or as a single roundup of interesting uses of your space.
10. The Art in Your Space
Do you have art in your space? Do you participate in First Fridays or local Art Walks? Do the artists (and curious members) a favor and create QR codes linking to their website near their creations or near the front of the space/exhibit.
11. Direct Mail Postcard
Direct mail is still a thing. And for a hyper-local business like a coworking space, it may serve you to do a local mailing. Make a compelling offer or hook to entice readers to click on your QR code to learn more about what you’re up to and how you can help them.
12. Info About the Building or Neighborhood
Is your space in an interesting or historic building? Does your neighborhood have a compelling story? Put QR codes in or on interesting features—including the building itself. History nerds like myself love such things and it’s a great conversation starter for visitors and guests.
13. Tag Electronics Manuals
This one is genius. On every piece of electronics or tech in your space, create a QR code with a link to the manual. It sucks to be dealing with tech meltdowns in your space, so make it suck less with an easy way to troubleshoot.
14. Local Businesses and Partners
Create a roundup of recommended local businesses, including yours, and create a QR code that links to it. Then distribute the code and roundup to the businesses mentioned. Businesses love to be included and shouted out in resources and will likely share the code with their customers and community.
15. Social Media Links
Instead of a sign or whiteboard not that says, “Follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn” create a QR code that links to your social media accounts, giving people a zero-friction way to connect with you and tag your space in their posts.
16. Member Feedback
Would you like to get direct feedback from members on a specific topic or idea? Put up a QR code. For instance, people could vote on what type of dessert to have at the upcoming member party or who should teach a lunch and learn next. You could link directly to a poll or survey.
17. Suggestion Form
What would members like to have in the space? Give them a QR code to offer their suggestions. The code could link to a survey, doc or other response capture tool.
18. Free Downloads
People love a freebie. Do you have a resource or tool you can share with people who visit your space? Use a QR code to capture their email and download the freebie.
19. Book a Meeting Room or Purchase a Daypass
If you have a way for people to book a meeting room or purchase a daypass right from your website, use a QR code outside of your space to help passersby do so. This strategy can be used to let people book a spot for a free coworking day, as well.
20. Local Events
If your marketing strategy includes in-person connection at career fairs, networking events, farmers markets, meetups or conferences, use a QR code to take people directly to your website, a landing page, a special offer or wherever else you’d like to take them.
21. Member Lunch Menus
If you have member lunches—either inside or outside of your space—use a QR code to link to the menu and let members see their options.
22. Event Listing
Do you have local meetups and events in your space? Use a QR code to display a list of all the events in the next week, month or quarter. These can be placed throughout the space. You update the linked list once and the new listing is instantly available to anyone who scans the code.
Your Turn
What have I missed? What do you use QR codes for in your space? DM me on LinkedIn or Instagram and I’ll add your suggestions to the list.