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12 Ways Women Who Cowork is Transforming Coworking (and How You Can Help)


Women Who Cowork is changing the coworking game.

What started as a blog post has grown into an international community of coworking space operators who connect, share, support, teach and lead each other.

Here are 12 ways this visionary organization is transforming the coworking movement, as well as several ways you can join the Women Who Cowork evolution.

1. Women Who Cowork brings together female leaders of the coworking movement to share experiences, insights and support.

2. Women Who Cowork reaches out to the up-and-comers of the movement to embrace the next generation of women coworking leaders.

3. With a commitment to the core values of coworking, Women Who Cowork amplifies the soul of the movement.

4. Women Who Cowork provides community for the community builders.

5. Women Who Cowork offers women in coworking resources and mentorship.

6. Women Who Cowork has cultivated an online community of 750-plus femme-identified coworking founders and operators.

7. Women Who Cowork membership provides access to individual and group coaching, as well as consulting.

8. Women Who Cowork retreats, meetups and online events fosters the coworking movement from the perspective of being a woman in business.

9. The Women Who Cowork map of more than 114 women-owned spaces around the world spotlights the women leading those spaces and communities.

10. Women in leadership positions reinvest 90% of earnings back into our communities. By supporting women founders, Women Who Cowork actively supports grassroots economic development in communities worldwide.

11. Each woman running a coworking community is supporting each of her members. The members, in turn, support their larger communities. This is the Women Who Cowork Ripple Effect.

12. When women succeed, communities succeed. This is at the heart of the Women Who Cowork mission.

Your Turn

If you want to support Women Who Cowork, you can tell a coworking friend about the community, subscribe to the Women Who Cowork newsletter, or attend a Women Who Cowork meetup or retreat.


The best way you can show your support for Women Who Cowork is to put your money where your heart is and support the crowdfunding campaign today.


Here’s the real talk:

Co-founders Laura Shook Guzman and Iris Kavanagh have bootstrapped Women Who Cowork for three years because they deeply believe in their vision, in the power of coworking…and in you.

These two powerhouses have helped shape the coworking movement for a combined 22 years and are driven by immense love and purpose. They are holding space for a circle of women to do amazing work in our lives, our coworking spaces and our extended communities..

Iris and Laura are smart, intentional, and committed to creating a better future for everyone.

And they need our support.

Now’s the time to step up, friends

Let’s show these women that we have their backs in the same way they have ours.

Every dollar counts so please give what you can.

If you can’t give right now, help spread the word about the crowdfunding campaign.

Let’s give these women our love, support, and dollars today.

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