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Coworking Blog Tip: 8 Ways to Keep Readers Coming Back with Evergreen Content



Your coworking blog is a powerful tool to reach your people, establish your space locally, and position yourself in the global coworking scene.

But, to get the most mileage out of a post, you have to think strategically. I see a lot of coworking blog posts about events that have already happened or other topics that quickly become outdated.

It’s great to post event follow-ups with photos of your community, but make sure that your coworking blog also has some anchor posts that stand the test of time—or are evergreen.

Evergreen posts stay relevant over time. For instance, a blog post titled: “Recap of Our Speed Networking Event” may be relevant for the week it’s published, to the people who attended the event, but a post titled “How to Throw a Speed Networking Event in Your Coworking Space,” full of tips and best practices will stay relevant, potentially, for years.

You have to take the time to create an evergreen post, but doing so boosts your ROI on that piece significantly.

For example, a roundup of tiny house villages I wrote in 2014 for Shareable has been viewed over 200,000 times, including 1,800 in the last week.

That’s the power of evergreen content. If you hit good SEO keywords, in this case “tiny house villages,” people from around the world will find your post and ideally learn from it, share it, and check out your other posts and space offerings.

Here are 8 tips to create evergreen content that keeps people coming to your coworking blog.

1. Plan Ahead

Will this topic be interesting a few months, or even years down the road? Find ways to turn what might be a short-lived post into a resource, roundup or insight that will maintain relevance.

2. Get the Headline Right

Headlines are a HUGE part of creating content. They’re weighed heavily by Google and, in many cases, it’s your only chance to catch readers as they scroll through their feeds and emails. What are people searching for that this post can help them with? What keywords are you targeting? Figure these things out and craft your headline around your answers.

For example, don’t waste a blog post with a headline like this:

Key Takeaways from Last Night’s Design Event

Instead, use the post to further establish your space and community, and attract your people. Try this instead:

Coworking for Designers: 10 Must-Do’s for a Successful Design Meetup

3. Target Keywords to Boost SEO

If you’re in a crowded market, you’re probably trying to boost your Google ranking for phrases such as “Coworking in San Francisco” or “Austin Coworking.” Use evergreen pieces to target those keywords.

For instance, instead of:

10 Coworking Tips for Local Entrepreneurs


Coworking in San Francisco: 10 Tips for Entrepreneurs

There are no guarantees with SEO. The broader your topic, the more competition you’ll have for the coveted first page of Google results. Niche down to a particular topic, whether local or industry-wide, and hit those keywords in a way that is organic and natural. The days of keyword stuffing are long over.

4. Know Which Types of Post Work as Evergreens

An event recap is probably not ever going to be an evergreen post. But certain types of posts, including how-to’s, resource roundups and sometimes interviews, make good evergreens. Buffer has a nice resource about evergreen content ideas.

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5. Make it In-depth and Valuable

When possible, create a resource that becomes the ultimate guide to something. For example: “Coworking in San Francisco: the Ultimate Guide.” The post needs to deliver on the headline, so make it in-depth and insightful. These types of ultimate guide posts tend to get a lot of social shares and inbound links.

Note: no one has written that Coworking in San Francisco post yet so, if you’re feeling it, it’s all you.

6. Write for Beginners

Experts on a topic probably won’t be searching for an introductory how-to. But, beginners or newcomers are very likely to be searching a phrase such as: “Speed Networking Coworking Space” or “How to Host a Speed Networking Event.” If this is the topic of your post, chances are good you’ll be found.

Keep beginners in mind and don’t assume the reader already knows what you’re talking about. Start with the basics and build from there.

7. Link to Sources and Let Them Know About It

People like being mentioned in a resource or roundup. Mention other people, projects and spaces, link to them, then let them know you’ve included them. You’ll probably get social media mentions and, ideally, valuable inbound links, which boost your SEO.

8. Make the Post Scannable and Easy to Read

The longer a post, the more you need to add multimedia to break up the text. Choose eye-catching and pro-quality photos and name them properly. It will boost mentions, inbound links and SEO, all of which strengthen your evergreen potential.

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