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Do the things that scare you

The Daily Co Cat Johnson

The scariest thing I’ve done this year is put a book out into the world.

But writing the book was not the scary thing.

And figuring out how to turn a very long Google doc into a book, with the formatting, proofing, design and printing was challenging but not the scariest thing.

The scariest thing was what happened after the books were printed.

Once I had them in-hand, imposter syndrome took over. What if it sucks? What if no one wants it? Who am I to think I can write a book? On and on and on.

In fact, after I picked up the first run of The Daily Co, the books sat in a corner of the room, untouched, for a few days.

But something kept nudging me along. So step-by-step, todo-by-todo, I put the book into the world. And, guess what? No one has told me that it sucks. Turns out I am someone who can write a book. And people wanted it.

I recently found out that 90% of self-published books sell fewer than 100 copies in their lifetime. In seven months, I’ve sold 358 (and counting) copies of The Daily Co. Which makes me super happy and proud that I did the thing that scared me.

I wrote a book that provides daily inspiration, motivation, community building tips and lots of coworking love for hundreds of coworking community builders around the world.

So here’s a nudge for you:

Do the things that scare you. Commit to your vision, break it down into small steps and get to work. And, most importantly, don’t let the boogeymen of fear and imposter syndrome keep you from doing what you want to do.

I believe wholeheartedly that you can do scary things.

P.S. Grab a copy of The Daily Co for you and your team at