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ICYMI: Why Coworking? [the video]


Earlier this year at the Global Coworking Unconference Conference (GCUC) in Los Angeles, a video celebrating the global coworking movement premiered.

The video shares some of the mind-blowing data about the growth of the industry and explores the reasons people love coworking so much.

Among the stats are the fact that there are now 10,000 coworking spaces around the world, with more being built all the time, and the findings that coworking really does make people happier.

What I particularly like about the video is the acknowledgement that, with such explosive growth, there are going to be great coworking spaces…and not-so-great ones and that it’s the responsibility of coworkers to find the best one for them—one that helps them chase their passion.

“You should get to be yourself at work, just as your coworking space should be authentic to its unique culture too,” the narrator explains. “Bring who you are to the space and the community will rise up to meet you…Coworking is so much more than just a place to work, it’s a better way to live your life.”

Check it out:

Note: The beginning of the video makes reference to another coworking video. You can watch that one here.

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