2/28 Coworking Convo: Attracting Teams to Your Space

Creating Customer-driven Brands and Challenging Marketing Assumptions with John Huntinghouse [Ep. 25]

John Huntinghouse, VP of Marketing at TAB Bank | Cat Johnson Co
John Huntinghouse Coworking Out Loud graphic | Cat Johnson Co
Coworking Out Loud
Creating Customer-driven Brands and Challenging Marketing Assumptions with John Huntinghouse [Ep. 25]

In this episode of Coworking Out Loud, I chat with John Huntinghouse, the VP of Marketing at TAB Bank about challenging your marketing assumptions, creating truly customer-driven brands and his unusual path from pre-med to marketing.

John is a wealth of knowledge about marketing, leadership and metrics. His background as a researcher gives a unique angle to his marketing: he is all about experimenting, creating hypotheses, testing those hypotheses and moving forward from the insights gleaned.

Check the episode out and let me know what you think.

👉 Follow John on LinkedIn for a steady stream of insights and inspiration.

Links + Props

🔗 catjohnson.co | Coworking Convos | The Lab

🎶 Music by Grip Grand

📺 Watch full episode on YouTube

🎥 Recorded with Riverside.fm