Keeping it real in your brand and community, with Garrett Tichy [Coworking Out Loud Ep. 35]

Garrett Tichy - Hygge Coworking - Cohatch
Coworking Out Loud
Keeping it real in your brand and community, with Garrett Tichy [Coworking Out Loud Ep. 35]

In this episode of Coworking Out Loud, I talk with the one and only Garrett Tichy, who is a dear friend and the mastermind behind Hygge Coworking and now part of the Cohatch empire.

Garrett is real deal. He’s authentic, he’s vulnerable, he’s open. And he knows what he’s doing. He’s built some amazing things in coworking and beyond.

Enjoy the show.

Connect with Garrett Tichy:
Hygge Coworking
Garrett on LinkedIn

Watch the full episode on YouTube

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🎶 Music by Grip Grand

🎥 Episode recorded on