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Work From Home Fashion Fails: an Illustrator’s Hilarious Case for Coworking


To see more amazing illustrations from Tyler Feder, pick up her new book, Dancing at the Pity Party.
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Need some work from home resources? Here are a few of my favorites:

It’s easy to laugh at the work from home lifestyle.

Because, for a lot of people, it’s not pretty.

Freelance Achievement Stickers

Remember the oh-so memorable Freelance Achievement Stickers, which included such winners as, “Talked to someone in person today,” “Good Skype behavior,” and “Remembered to eat.”

Conversations with the Operator

And who can forget the LOL-inducing conversation between a 911 operator and a work from home professional named Robert:

OPERATOR: I need you to tell me what you’re wearing, O.K.?

ROBERT: You know . . . just regular clothes.

OPERATOR: Outside clothes or inside clothes?

ROBERT: Hold on, I’ll check. (Pause.) Pajamas. I’m wearing my pajamas. I could swear I’d changed into regular . . . I thought these were jeans!

OPERATOR: It’s O.K., sir. Calm down.

ROBERT: Wait, this isn’t even a shirt. It’s just my skin! Goddammit.

OPERATOR: So just pajama bottoms, then. Can we assume that you haven’t showered today?

It’s hilarious—because it’s true.

Work From Home Fashion Fails

Illustrator Tyler Feder, author of Dancing at the Pity Party, shared the most embarrassingly true glimpse into working from home fashion. Or fashion fails, as the case may be.


From her “weird bun,” hole-y sweatpants and mismatched socks to pj pants and her Skype conference look, Feder captures the realities of working from home.


In doing so, she makes a spot-on case for getting dressed and going to your coworking space.


To see more amazing illustrations from Feder, pick up her new book, Dancing at the Pity Party.
Get it from Amazon | Get it from Bookshop.org
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