2/28 Coworking Convo: Attracting Teams to Your Space

Coworking Spaces Go Big On Content to Attract New Members



Content has emerged as one of the most effective, and popular, ways to reach potential coworking members.

The First Results of the Global Coworking Survey are in and a whopping 80% of respondents use social and online media activities to attract new members.

Within this digital content ecosystem, Facebook is the most common tool, with 96% of respondents using it, followed by email or newsletter (67%), Twitter (61%), Instagram (58%), blog and guest posts (41%), and LinkedIn (41%).

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If you’re already creating content (videos, blog posts, photos, social media updates, etc.), carry on, you’re on the right track.

If you’re not focused on creating original content, it’s time to give it serious consideration.

Determine what you can create that will help strengthen your brand, differentiate you from other coworking spaces, and attract the people you’d like to reach, whether your existing community, your extended local community, or potential members.

In addition to directly reaching your audience, content is a powerful way to boost your SEO. Google loves regular content, it loves strong keyword phrases, and it loves consistent messages that help determine what your website (and coworking space) are about.

Interesting to note that community building is a close second to content in the survey when it comes to attracting members. My advice: double up your potential reach, impact and coworking awesomeness by going all-in on community and content.

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