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Coworking Wisdom No. 001


The coworking community is an endless fount of wisdom. From industry pioneers and coworking space operators to coworking members, thought-leaders and future of work enthusiasts, there is no shortage of inspiration and insight.

I decided to start sharing some of my favorite tidbits with the hashtag #coworkingwisdom.

The first quote is from Jeremy Neuner, who played a huge role in showing me what community coworking was. My early coworking days were filled with laughs, great conversations, exciting collaborations and authentic connections—and Jeremy was a big part of setting that tone.

As co-founder of NextSpace, Jeremy helped grow a vibrant and connected global coworking movement and supported countless people in transforming their work and their lives.

Coworking space operators: Help welcome new members to your space with the free guide, 15 Must-Do’s Your First Month in a Coworking Space. Download now.


I’d love if you use the #coworkingwisdom hashtag, as well, for great quotes, images, videos etc. That way we can all follow along and easily find nice bits of coworking inspiration, insight and wisdom.

Here’s #coworkingwisdom No. 001:
