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The Coworking Video that’s Making Everyone Cry



Coworking has been transformational to my life.

I say it all the time because it’s true.

I can look back to the exact day my life took a sweeping turn for the better.

It was the day I found my coworking community.

But it’s not always easy to explain what it is that makes coworking so special. It’s not the wifi or desks or interior design or even good coffee. It’s something more.

Oficio, a coworking space in Boston, created a video that so perfectly captures the difference between working from home and being part of a coworking community that longtime coworking pros are being moved to tears.

Here are some of the reactions from Coworking Content Alliance members to the video:

“I’m not crying. YOU’RE crying.”

“Love this video!!!”


“I’m bawling. About a coworking video.”

“These guys nail it. Every damn time”

Check out the video and see what you think.

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