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Coworking Blog Tip: How to Boost SEO by Linking to Your Own Posts



If your coworking space is in a crowded market, or if you’re trying to educate your community about coworking, search engine optimization (SEO) for your coworking blog should be high priority.

When people in your town search Google for coworking, freelancing, remote work, independent professional, shared office, office rental and other coworking-related related terms, you want your space to be in the results—ideally at the top. This is an essential piece of content marketing.

There are lots of ways to boost your SEO, including using target keywords in the headline, putting keywords in your image names, and including your target keyword phrase in the opening paragraphs. You can also boost SEO on your coworking blog by linking internally to your own posts.

As Yoast explains:

“Before your content can rank, it needs links. Google finds your posts and pages best when they’re linked to from somewhere on the web.

Internal links also connect your content and give Google an idea of the structure of your website. They can establish hierarchy on your site, which enables you to give the most important pages and posts more link value than other, less valuable, pages. So using the right internal linking strategy can boost your SEO.”

Internal links also keep people engaged with your content and demonstrate the breadth and depth of your expertise or business.

The more links pointing to a given page, the more valuable that page appears to Google. To help Google recognize that your content is valuable is the name of the game with SEO, as Google aims to serve up high-quality, specific results to searchers.

Keep in mind that links need to be from relevant, focused posts and pages, not from junky, keyword-stuffed, spam pages (which you’re not doing anyway, right?).

Stay away from sketchy SEO tactics. Google is way too smart to be tricked or manipulated. The best strategy is to create clear, focused, high-quality content with relevant links, including internal ones.

Within each post, find keywords and topics you’ve written about before, and link to those posts using words that align with the target post. For example, If I’m writing about generating blog post ideas for your coworking blog and I mention post prompts, I would link to my post, “50+ Blog Post Prompts for Busy Coworking Space Teams” using the anchor phrase, “coworking blog post prompts.”

If you’ve written about your happy hours, or shared productivity tips for freelancers, or created posts about your meeting room offerings, link to those posts when you mention your happy hours, productivity or meeting rooms in other posts.

Within your posts, you also want good external links and high-quality inbound links from other sites, but we’ll save those topics for another day.

What questions do you have about internal links? Let me know in the comments and I’ll do my best to answer them.

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