How do you compete with Starbucks? You don’t.
My favorite coffee shop here in Park City is called Atticus. It’s a funky little place with random posters, paintings, prints, and vintage geegaws all
2/28 Coworking Convo: Attracting Teams to Your Space
My favorite coffee shop here in Park City is called Atticus. It’s a funky little place with random posters, paintings, prints, and vintage geegaws all
This is a guest post by Zach McNamara, CEO of isofy, a network management platform for coworking spaces. See the full tech support for coworking series. Wi-Fi is the
This is a guest post by DeShawn Brown, CEO of Coworks, provider of software for today’s flex and coworking spaces With such a wide variety
Guest post by Zach McNamara, CEO of isofy, a network management platform for coworking spaces. See the full tech support for coworking series. I’ve been there:
In a recent Lab Workshop, we had sales coach Tyler Archer zoom in from New Zealand to teach us how to increase member conversion with
Coworking space events are pretty much must-do’s these days. Members want to participate in a variety of events in your space and your event programming
Updated June 6, 2023 Everything I know about building community, I’ve learned from the community builders that came before me and the communities they built
Updated February 4, 2023 I was on a call recently with a coworking space operator who insisted social media was something that should be outsourced
Somewhere along the line I learned to write academically. As a kid, I would sit on the floor, research my topic, then rephrase what I read in
Lukewarm brands will get left behind. You must be clear in your vision, values, mission and purpose and build community around them. No more hiding,
Coworking is absolutely exploding! With an estimated 40,000 coworking spaces around the world and more opening every week, it’s tricky to keep up with the
Updated September 20, 2022 If PR is part of your marketing strategy (as it should be), this one is for you. There is nothing more
Virtual office memberships present a huge opportunity for coworking space operators. Revenue, leads, positioning and more are all strengthened by virtual offerings, including virtual mail.
Friendly reminder that you’re not selling desks and offices. You’re selling a work experience—a flexible, fun and creative experience that enables your members to do
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be a wormhole. The further you go down it, the more tools and analytics and best practices there are to
Get Your Coworking Space Tour Right Your coworking space tour is the most important touchpoint you have to turn a lead into a member. If
Are you phoning in your marketing? Just crossing items off a never-ending todo list? Marketing is so much bigger than your content calendar. It’s about
I get it. You’re funny, smart, thoughtful and well-informed. The publications you read all have quippy titles that arouse your curiosity and compel you to
It’s tempting to hide our humanness to appear “professional.” Don’t do it. People don’t connect with a projected image. We connect with your humanness. The
Write your headline first. The formula used to be: Write an article Decide on a title Not so with content marketing. Your headline is arguably
Oh, Mailchimp, you’ve been great You’ve helped me grow my email lists from zero to over 6,000 subscribers across different projects. But it’s time to
I had no idea what I was doing. It was late 2019, the Coworking Convos model had been proven—people were showing up and spreading the
It’s one thing to bring new members into your space. It’s another thing entirely to bring them into a thriving, welcoming community. Holding space for
All signs point to enormous growth in coworking. Your job is to attract perfect fit members to your space and show them everything they can
A mentor once told me, “Earn people’s respect with your fundamentals, then put them in awe with your flash.” The advice is solid and it
I’m mixed on customer personas. On the one hand, creating them can be a valuable exercise to clearly define your target market. On the other
Every day is Earth Day, right? Right. It’s important to be mindful of the environmental impact we make, as individuals and as workspace communities every
Posts, reels, stories, pages, groups … it’s a lot to keep up with. And if you’re trying to create all this social media content on-the-fly,
As coworking Clubhouse grows and evolves, new strategies and norms are being created in real-time. Here are nine strategies on using Clubhouse to promote your
Update: We now have a Coworking Club on Clubhouse! Created by Shervonne Cherry from Spark Coworking, the club will serve as a hub and resource